Similar todos
fix gem issue #herokualfredworkflow
update gems #wip
Update gems #wip
Stop using Pagy Countless extra as it does a .to_a which eager loads the whole collection making our fragment cache useless #buildinpublic
speed up #wip with caching and eager loading
Update Gemspec #profitable
Remove a bunch of unused gems #startupjobs
speed up #wip site by eager-loading associations
add lazyloading to speed up #interiorai load time
Disable ActiveStorage variant tracking to remove unnecessary eager loading #visiondirectory
Switch to redis for caching to solve bug with dalli gem #wip
Prevent segfault when requiring gems in allgood.rb
The gem was loading configuration before Rails finished initializing all gems,
which could cause segfaults with certain gems like Vips. Changed to use
config.after_initialize to ensure all gems are properly loaded first. #allgood
update security vulnerability gems #er
upgrade http gem for ruby 2.7.0 compatibility #betalist