Similar todos
created basic Rails setup for #drawcolors on heroku
fix rails memory issues on heroku by reducing concurrency…
Fetch Rails apps from HN #rubypilot
setup rails application #freelaworks
Adjust Heroku billing #freelancing
Migrate all my old Rails apps from DigitalOcean into AWS to cut DO costs by 80% and save ~$1.5k/yr by having all old apps in the same small instance that I'll turn into a reserved instance for $5/mo when I verify it can sustain the traffic load without problems #life
Upgrade rails #accountcrowd
Move #getfitbot to a paid dyno on heroku
import rails apps from Product Hunt #rubypilot
setup rails for lovebot
downgrade heroku postgres database add-on (cuz $200/mo one was overkill) #wip
another rails ne
migrate rails graphql API from DigitalOcean to Heroku. AMA 🙂
upgrade to heroku hobby dev #tba