Similar todos
Use cloudflare-rails (instead of cloudflare-actionpack) to get correct remote IP address #startupjobs
Manage to fix all problems and get agence-gaya/traefik-plugin-cloudflare Traefik plugin up and running and now overriding X-Forwarded-For headers from Cloudflare requests so that when in Rails I do request.remote_ip, I get the real client IP and not Cloudflare's
Configure Cloudflare #faces
Using Cloudflare #melies
add cloudflare #hour
Use new Rails proxy URLs to serve ActiveStorage uploads (company logos, etc) through Cloudflare for better caching and speed #startupjobs
get the cloudflare implementation actually working
Use Rack::Deflater because Cloudflare doesn't compress Turbo Stream responses #visiondirectory
add #launchtests to Cloudflare
add #upgradeyourphp to Cloudflare