Redirect to because I shutdown #faces which #100under100 relied on
Shut down #faces because there's been near zero MRR the last 12 months
Remove outdated examples from homepage #faces
Switch to Cloudflare for image resizing #faces
Prevent concurrent database migrations when deploying #faces
Add honey pot form field to prevent automated spam signups #faces
Delete old Linode server #faces
Fix bug where some pages wouldn't render if community has no logo #faces
Implement Render API to manage custom domains #faces
Migrate to Render #faces
Configure Cloudflare #faces
Use new "payment_method_details" attribute on Stripe charges rather than deprecated "charge" #faces
Reply to customer asking how they could update their billing info #faces
Integrate Stripe Customer Portal to customers can self-manage their billing details #faces
exclude charges from being stored in tenant-specific database schema by apartment gem #faces
add initial prototype for selecting multiple tags #faces
send invoice emails #faces
disable submit button while waiting for upload to finish #faces
fix DNS issue preventing domains from resolving correctly #faces
migrate DNS to cloudflare #faces