Securing your intellectual property so you can stay ahead of the competition - the ultimate proof of ownership, authenticity, and existence.
pay UK data protection fee #scoredetect
Customer support #scoredetect
Fix homepage responsive button issue on small mobile screens #scoredetect
Customer support #scoredetect
review ads strategy #scoredetect
Enterprise calls #scoredetect
Customer support #scoredetect
add more SEO focus #scoredetect
update zapier legacy apps #scoredetect
update CORS for blog #scoredetect
Apply for AdSense #scoredetect
Add 1st place Tech Trailblazers 2024 to homepage, landing pages, blog template #scoredetect
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finance and accounting admin #scoredetect
Update PostHog #scoredetect
Setup Sentry #scoredetect
test different translations of widget. Japanese looks cool #scoredetect
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migrate database. realising it is quicker to do it manually. saved lots of time! First think about how long it'll take to do it manually and find shortcuts. If not, then do automation 🙌 #scoredetect
reduce 40Million monthly Cloudflare worker requests (causing excessive billing) down to below <10Million requests - cost optimisations #scoredetect
setup onboarding form to connect with CRM for better customer experience #scoredetect