Similar todos
only allow 2 websites to be added during trial (starter plan equivalent) #httpscop
limit number of widgets allowed for users on free plan #dashful
Limit the number of domains a user can add #domainwatchman
Upgrade Carrd plan to 50 websites #life
Limit free plan to 1 domain #domainwatch
do not allow adding new websites beyond trial without a paid account if no websites were added during trial #httpscop
#sheet2site increase domain limit on hosting
prevent people adding same site twice per account #ctr
limit number of tests in a day by domain #wptroubles
#threader2 limit to 5 subscriptions/user
Limit API features according to user plan #userowl
#findmegigs send different number of jobs to users depending on their plan
add ad-free website to list of benefits of account #yelmair
#web3jobs limit first 3 jobs for premium users only
Introduced a free tier for #lokus. Users can now launch their websites without a subscription. 1. They'll have a built-in Lokus label on their websites. 2. They can only create one site 3. They can only create 3 pages maximum. All the limits are removed once they have a subscription.
Don't allow user to add websites that are already added by other users #simpleanalytics