Similar todos
Reupload welcome animation with different bot credentials #stenograph
update the bot #bdm
weekly dependabot updates
bug fixes for bot
more bot writing code #mylife
- answer bank queries ✅ #maintenance
fix the bot commands... check feasibility of using api rather than long polling #smallwins
#djangocon discord bot updates and format changes
#zeropercent error handling for stopped bot users
push latest code and watch bot produce 12+ hours of update spam #sideshifttg
fix chat_id error on bot
Disallow @wipbot from saving empty updates #wip
switch #luggagelosers robot from every 6 hours to weekly because we are hitting the monthly $100/mo X API limit
add temporary fix to wipbot that prevents long messages from blowing up the bot #wip
fix bug in updating chatbot snippets #botreach
Protected the bot to only allow users with an active account
📦 add mutex on #makerinbox to avoid getting non-compatible bots running at the same time