Similar todos
#spotgetter ⚡ captcha bank: detect health of oldest, newest and total banked keys
#spotgetter ⚡ captcha bank: update topup algo to consider health of oldest, newest and total keys
#spotgetter ⚡ captcha: preemptively publish banked key before current key expires
#spotgetter ⚡ tweak captcha bank to maintain coverage while minimizing total keys requested
#spotgetter ⚡ improved captcha bank algo
#spotgetter 🤷 upgrade captcha bank
#spotgetter ⚡ tweak captcha subsystem in hopes of reducing coverage gaps
#spotgetter ⚡ tweak settings for captcha subsystem in an attempt to reduce consumption rate
Fix captcha #superforum
#spotgetter ⚡ captcha: use integer for seconds when logging durations
reverse captcha #chamados
#spotgetter ⚡ fix glitch in captcha caching and publishing system
Fix logged api key in health endpoint #pixelsnap
Create reCAPTCHA keys for client website #freelance
#spotgetter ⚡ fix bug where updated captcha key isn't copied to selection subtask
Investigate why captcha is being jumped for client #jomresplugins
re-build backend server to new IP because of Medium rate-limit CAPTCHA #accountableblogging
fix recaptcha when it's redrawed #secureit
#spotgetter 🤷 refresh cached captcha solution after successful spot get
#spotgetter ⚡ customer: create captcha cache report