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Connected to one of the big Moroccan players in the recording studio sphere, here in Casablanca, Morocco. Proud-happy again! #studiolist
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call all recording studios I could in Casablanca and arrange meetings with those I could reach #studiolist
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meeting with founder of The Spot, a coworking space in Marrakech to be listed free of charge on #studiolist
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added Moroccan studios who agreed to be listed here, some amendments on the frontpage copytext #studiolist
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great talk with a good friend #laif #naii - potentially shaping how I’m approaching #studiolist
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added 10 more recording studios in Berlin and called some to see whether they’re still offering their service #studiolist
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visit studio #fajarsiddiq
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reached out to St. Petersburg, Florida recording studios via email / FB message / website contact form (all others I will call when in St. Pete this Saturday) #studiolist
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contact all previous interested people (studio owners, beta testers, voiceover artists) #studiolist
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Video call with Ilias, Morocco makers talk about open source & gatsby #fajarsiddiq
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fill with studio leads
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Great talk with fellow designer
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added 12 new recording studios in Berlin to #studiolist
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[Post-dated] Video call with Lukas from to talk about possibly working with them as Vue dev #indiejourney
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interviews with Amine from maker side, we are planning a crossover podcast in January, great discussion #indiemakers
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Had a great video call with Metin from Skopje, sharing discussions about indiemaker #fajarsiddiq
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had a great interview with potential client #freelancing
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had call with samir about messaging #artistsatscale
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Created a Telegram channel to be found here - - and a private group chat attached to the channel #studiolist
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watched the webinar on remote recording with Robert Marshall from Source Elements (the company that makes Source Connect) #stolenvoice
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