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call all recording studios I could in Casablanca and arrange meetings with those I could reach #studiolist
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make contact information (email, phone) to recording studio available only after registration to avoid that studios get spammed #studiolist
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contact all previous interested people (studio owners, beta testers, voiceover artists) #studiolist
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added 10 more recording studios in Berlin and called some to see whether they’re still offering their service #studiolist
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for #studiolist tried out #sheet2site by @AndreyAzimov and added the first 5 recording studios to the Google Spreadsheet - tedious work but good to know what time it would take to list all (!) recording studios worldwide - well at least the very best(-rated)!
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replace with Typeform-powered contact form to combat spam #studiolist
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basstraps arrived today for my studio (Zappa Studios 611) here in Berlin, and yes I will list my own studio on #studiolist when done and ready to welcome voiceover artists :)
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added +11 new recording studios in Berlin - spreadsheet is open for everyone who wants to help me add more studios (…) - help appreciated 🙂 #studiolist
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fill with studio leads
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recorded, selected and submitted 5 of my currently best recordings for one script get pro feedback #stolenvoice
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create MVP - a simple text list incl. all verified studios incl. their location and website (access to the contact person’s name and their email address for now only via log-in only for confidentiality reasons and to avoid spam) #studiolist
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added 12 new recording studios in Berlin to #studiolist
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installed and tried Audacity in my recording studio to make progress with my commercial demo reel (recorded studiolist script and compressed and normalized it, send it out to review the performance and quality) #stolenvoice
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reach out to music producers #riddim
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connected to another studio in Casablanca (Studio Plug-in) and had a very friendly conversation with Thomas, creative director at the studio 🙂 #studiolist
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Send email to 10 x new finds for last minute gigs #fauxmusicmanager
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another revision of the studiolist script recording for my commercial demo reel #stolenvoice
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book ticket for copy chief live 2019 in St. Petersburg, Florida incl. freelancers only day #copywritingdelivery
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add voiceover recording studio in Bath, UK - now it's 89 verified studios *yeah* #studiolist
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Building Studiolist (2020 Documentation) Week 3 #studiolist
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