Marc Köhlbrugge

Marc Köhlbrugge


Maker of WIP. Building various other projects as well. Writing book about domain names.
Joined September 2017
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There's an option for projects, but not for user profiles as I don't really see the point 😄


You can add any link you like to your bio however. They will be clickable too!

Banks everywhere are a pain to deal with. Your best path forward might be to accept this and pay someone (accountant, etc) to deal with your bank instead of you.

The best of all our advice. CPAs are worth their weight in gold.

This, seriously is the best advice - accountants have saved me from endless anxiety and admin.

Unfortunately something went wrong with the Mac App Store signing and Apple doesn't let me fix it. Been trying forever.

Can you try to download from GitHub directly?…

Will give that a shot a bit later, let's see if that works. Thanks

Installing via dmg fixed the issue, thanks again!

Since it works fine from dmg, isn't it better to add that to the instructions in instead of the app store download? Everyone is going to encounter the same issue otherwise haha (I did too the first time I installed it)

BYOK seems nice when targeting developers and/or dealing with potential abusive content and you want to put the risk back to the user.

In most other cases, including yours, I wouldn't do BYOK. If you do, not only does it add complexity to your codebase and lock you into using OpenAI going forward, it also makes it harder to price your product because customers will "feel" like most of the value is coming from OpenAI anyway.

In terms of pricing, it really depends on the value you're providing and the alternatives customers are replacing with your product.

At first glance, number of blog articles seems the closest linked to the value you provide. Sites with more articles, will likely get more value, etc.

Pageviews are hard to measure.

Team members/clients might make sense as an additional pricing knob. For example, you can have fixed monthly plans with different team limits, in addition to a variable pricing for the number of articles.

I recommend looking at analogous services like newsletters, etc that also deal with variable pricing (subscribers) and fixed pricing (features)

I considered BYO OpenAI key for as well and decided against it for the reasons you mentioned. Ultimately if the customer has to sign up for and manage their own OpenAI credits it just adds friction to the entire signup process.

However for I did force users to supply their own SMTP credentials. I can’t risk ruining my email sending reputation because one user decides to send emails from a bad domain for example

For pricing, I thought about this for a long time and I think I’d rather charge according to the value the customer gets out of the solution instead of considering AI cost in too much detail upfront. I’m not saying I wouldn’t look at the AI cost, but I like to start with “okay, customer would otherwise have to pay an engineer $200/hour to do this task, so I’ll charge close to that” - and if AI spend is > $200/h, work backwards and figure out how to reduce the cost from there, or if not possible maybe it’s a bad business idea.

I use their VPS-like system where you can SSH into the instance

I don't know if it was like this before, but Paperspace now has these modes called "Gradient" and "CORE". I'm guessing the VPS-like system is the CORE one? I had to change it by clicking on the top left corner.

Replicate is great for hosting models, but they don't offer anything for development with SSH access, etc.

Exactly. I’d love to run this on Replicate, but I don’t know how to submit a custom shell script, run pip install, and train a model there etc. maybe it’s possible with Cog but I don’t know how to use it yet

I use Paperspace for all my AI related VPS needs. They have many GPUs, although you may need to contact support to enable the more powerful ones.

Nice! You use the Notebook feature or is something else?

you can train your model on paperspace (or use the already train one) and make your own API.
here is one tutorial i have used before:…

I use their VPS-like system where you can SSH into the instance

I don't know if it was like this before, but Paperspace now has these modes called "Gradient" and "CORE". I'm guessing the VPS-like system is the CORE one? I had to change it by clicking on the top left corner.

I've used them for other reasons (backorders, etc).

I haven't used their reseller API and I don't know anybody there. I think the last time I was in touch with them about something else, they were quite helpful.