Marc Köhlbrugge

Marc Köhlbrugge


Maker of WIP. Building various other projects as well. Writing book about domain names.
Joined September 2017
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All the Black Friday deals I care about are services and products I'm already subscribed to or purchased

GoRails 👉 36% off

Typefully 👉 40% off

Tailwind UI + Refactoring UI 👉 30% off

It’s missing because I didn’t have a good way to show the sidebar on mobile 😅

I’ll try and come up with a solution for at least creating posts/projects/etc

If you want some inspiration, I can check to see where I would intuitively look for it.

While many registrars have an API, they wont let you register a domain name under somebody else’s name.

What you need is a “domain reseller API”

Hexonet offers one:

Exactly. Thanks for the suggestion.
Have you used the service or know anybody there?

I've used them for other reasons (backorders, etc).

I haven't used their reseller API and I don't know anybody there. I think the last time I was in touch with them about something else, they were quite helpful.

I have an export feature built, but it's only accessible from the command line by me. I'll see if I can make it a website feature.

I just send you your export @JaimeObregon – there's a text file included with a list of all the attachments so you can use something like wget to download them.

If there's anything missing, please let me know. I think we don't include comments right now as it would require including other people's content too for them to make sense. But not sure that's something I'd want to include in an export like this.

You can now get the top 100 users with the API. Please use a valid API key as I'll probably make it required for this end point.

  users(orderBy: {streak: desc}) {

Nice! Thanks a lot. That was very fast.

So far GraphiQL has complained if I didn't provide an API key, so I have it set on the headers.

I've been playing around with the endpoint and it's working great. Next step is to build the visualization 💪

FWIW, being available as a separate page is actually a bug 😅

The homepage streak leaderboard is loaded through an iframe-like method where it fetches that URL. But that URL isn't supposed to be access directly so it might not continue to work.

You might also run into Cloudflare's anti-bot measures when trying to scrape. So the API is really the best way. If you end building this, I might be able to add some filter/sorting feature to the API so you can fetch the top 100 streaking users.

After playing around with GraphiQL for a bit, it looks like I can only get the streak for a given userID. I can get a bunch of users by accessing the Projects or Todos, and getting the users from them, but I'm guessing that is far from ideal 😅

How hard would it be to expose the Users? That way I could do all the sorting/filtering in Node. Is not like I'd be able to add thousands of users in a visualization, so the top100 would work as well :)

You can now get the top 100 users with the API. Please use a valid API key as I'll probably make it required for this end point.

  users(orderBy: {streak: desc}) {

Nice! Thanks a lot. That was very fast.

So far GraphiQL has complained if I didn't provide an API key, so I have it set on the headers.

I've been playing around with the endpoint and it's working great. Next step is to build the visualization 💪