Marc Köhlbrugge

Marc Köhlbrugge


Maker of WIP. Building various other projects as well. Writing book about domain names.
Joined September 2017

Nice. Sounds more interactive than your typical flash card app

Sounds intriguing. Can you tell us more about the app?

It's a desktop note-taking and Spaced Repetition app where you can highlight some word or sentence, and auto-generate flashcards with audio, examples, translations, definitions, etc.; but almost exclusively with human content (AI only for translations)

The idea is to involve the learner into reading/writing/listening/pronunciation as much possible via language production, and creation+curation of own learning materials - so there are a bunch of features geared towards that.

Nice. Sounds more interactive than your typical flash card app

Why desktop and not a website?

Because I think that everything that can work offline should work offline, and I want users to own their content.
I also think your notes should be private.

HEIC is a bit of a pain to deal with.

Do you use it with iOS? It should automatically convert to JPEG when you upload them.

Please share your setup (device, operating system, browser and where the images come from). I'll see what I can do

Understood, got it. Although I wonder if this HEIC trend will become more of a thing?

Oppo Find N2 Flip - uploaded via chrome browser (WIP PWA). The images come from the stock camera app. Although, it seems like when editing the photo it says "Convert to compatible format" which meant jpeg.

For now, I shall deactivate the "High efficiency image" option in the stock camera app.

Of course Sketch continues working even if you don’t update for years.

In your cases there’s a dependency on third party APIs. Which is why it’s not a good candidate for this type of model I think.

So maybe it should be a bit more than year. Or maybe it’s at least 3 years of free security/compatibility updates but not new features.

I would also develop it in such a way that it’s future proof. For example for AI stuff you might want to develop against

Right! OpenRouter is one of the providers they can add, and the whole thing is built with
But you know, typescript modules keep requiring updates.

I have this proposal from an LTD community (kenmoo), where he thinks that the product can do 1000s of sales if it's branded as LTD with lifetime support for everything.

But I just don't want to be legally locked in forever. He specifically wants it to be an LTD

I would price it as “$89 which includes 1 year of updates” similar to

For your current customers you can clarify this with the offer to email you to discuss any questions around it.

I think most will be fine with it and the few people that do reach out you could offer a refund, extended support, etc

Of course Sketch continues working even if you don’t update for years.

In your cases there’s a dependency on third party APIs. Which is why it’s not a good candidate for this type of model I think.

So maybe it should be a bit more than year. Or maybe it’s at least 3 years of free security/compatibility updates but not new features.

I would also develop it in such a way that it’s future proof. For example for AI stuff you might want to develop against

Right! OpenRouter is one of the providers they can add, and the whole thing is built with
But you know, typescript modules keep requiring updates.

I have this proposal from an LTD community (kenmoo), where he thinks that the product can do 1000s of sales if it's branded as LTD with lifetime support for everything.

But I just don't want to be legally locked in forever. He specifically wants it to be an LTD

This is one of the reasons I don't offer life-time deals.

When you offer life-time access, I think it's a fair assumption customers also receive life-time support. Unless of course, you make it abundantly clear that this is not the case. Although I'm not sure calling it a life-time deal is accurate then.

What type of support do your customers require? Are there ways to automate it?

There isn't a lot of support needed, since the app runs locally and is entirely on their end to talk to AI models with their own API keys.

But I'm expecting that keeping the system updated to work with changing underlying AI model APIs is going to be challenging in lifetime access.

I interpreted that they get access to updates, and bug fixes as long as the product exists. But hypothetically, if I choose to not work on the same project, I don't want to be locked-in legally

I would price it as “$89 which includes 1 year of updates” similar to

For your current customers you can clarify this with the offer to email you to discuss any questions around it.

I think most will be fine with it and the few people that do reach out you could offer a refund, extended support, etc

Of course Sketch continues working even if you don’t update for years.

In your cases there’s a dependency on third party APIs. Which is why it’s not a good candidate for this type of model I think.

So maybe it should be a bit more than year. Or maybe it’s at least 3 years of free security/compatibility updates but not new features.

I would also develop it in such a way that it’s future proof. For example for AI stuff you might want to develop against

Right! OpenRouter is one of the providers they can add, and the whole thing is built with
But you know, typescript modules keep requiring updates.

I have this proposal from an LTD community (kenmoo), where he thinks that the product can do 1000s of sales if it's branded as LTD with lifetime support for everything.

But I just don't want to be legally locked in forever. He specifically wants it to be an LTD

Do you mean your current streak count seems incorrect? Because I just checked the data and it seems accurate.

Or do you mean that it was something like 8 for a few days in a row and then suddenly skipped to 10 today?

I'm sorry; I think I must have counted wrongly.

What I thought happened was it was stuck at 8 for 2 more days when it should have gone up to 10 2 days ago (so 12 today). I thought so because I happened to be looking at the counter when I posted an item and it didn't update, so I refreshed the page to be sure.

But I just noticed that I might have broken the streak 10 days ago. Bit strange. Maybe it's me.

Hmm I’m not sure it works that way. I really advice you to talk to tax advisor.

And yes I did give up my Dutch residency (not nationality). You’re required by law if you’re less than 183 days a year in the country.

Thanks! Can you share if you have a residency somewhere or not at all? Btw you can always own foreign companies, it would be a bit weird if you couldn't (from the point of my country preventing me owning something somewhere).

Oh right. Yeah I would definitely check with your local tax advisor. You typically can’t simply incorporate in another country to minimize taxes while remain living and working in your current country.

I think you can register elsewhere just might need pay some taxes. I am not trying to pay 0% eu taxes I am trying to find a way from possible accounting hell :) You really moved out of EU?

Hmm I’m not sure it works that way. I really advice you to talk to tax advisor.

And yes I did give up my Dutch residency (not nationality). You’re required by law if you’re less than 183 days a year in the country.

Thanks! Can you share if you have a residency somewhere or not at all? Btw you can always own foreign companies, it would be a bit weird if you couldn't (from the point of my country preventing me owning something somewhere).

Yeah I used MOSS to pay taxes to all EU countries in one go. Didn’t need a tax advisor for that. Maybe once to explain it but after you can do it yourself.

But eventually as your business grows you want to delegate all tax stuff anyway
