Similar todos
Colorize output #sitesauce
#opensource Ask user if they really want to do what they just did
#opensource Add -y flag to skip confirmation dialog
Try to fix dumb terminal colors
#opensource2 Tweet about fancy new Gatsby starter with proper formatting --…
#blogging Add social tags -…
#opensource Yell at user if they want to delete an active site.
Added some setting options. If you don't like color, you're obviously a vampire. #cyberdeck
testing color setting for background in #infinitestories 2.0
Code highlighting colors #nota
#opensource Get positive response from Smashing Magazine
make static tweets readable with color modes #blog2
#blogging Write a blog post about colorful terminal output (…) (Totally @swizec's fault.)
#opensource Make a nice one-line installer for jinx. Because UX matters.
create color grading screen for #infinitestories 3.0
#opensource Add help screen to nginx command line wrapper
set color scheme #tw