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First steps in moving #shipnix into production
🚀 refactored my server setup, shut off a DO droplet, redeployed two dozen websites, and configs are getting smaller and much easier to support
Dublin and Berlin backend setup
Bought $5 VPS from Digital Ocean for PHP and SQLite. Let's see what this bad boy can do.. #indiejourney #decodingcoding
Move all production sites from VPSDime to DigitalOcean
Migrate production backend to a new server #legit
🛠 set up production server #makerinbox
Finish my initial test of self-hosted PaaS solutions and post about it on X:…
Next up: moving #unblockdomains to Dokku as a test and blogging about it !private
setting up production servers #apimocka
Live on the new AWS infrastructure! Things are a lot snappier. #jsonify
Moved my app hosting to and set up proper environments #snowball
Ported #unblockdomains completely to Dokku including the bg worker process which is now just a simple cron job, and delete all AWS resources to save $$$. Great feeling to see the logs being ingested properly and the domain monitoring job working. Let's see how low my bills are next month!
Setting up a VPS and Coolify to manage my services. First time not playing with serverless components.
Finish working on running tests on production 🎉 #remoteindex
Setting up 2GB/2CPU AMD VPS I got for free for 6 months #rebuildinpublic