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Using Stripe payment link. Users signup with one e-mail and purchase on stripe with another one. Fixing it now calling checkout.session.completed and getting client_reference_id. #fms
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save stripe customer id to database #tweetphoto
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Before creating a Stripe session, create a Stripe customer and attach user ID as meta #domainwatchman
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save stripe_customer_id in users.db for later payments and auto top up #remoteworkers
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Pass the customer's email address and Id to the Stripe payment link #domainwatchman
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Add email address + user id to existing Stripe Customers #startupjobs
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save ?ref= (referrer) and ?via= (affiliate) in remarketing_emails.db to then transport them to users.db to track where paid users come from because Stripe makes it hard to track that metadata with the Stripe Pricing Table (Rewardful already uses client-reference-id and there is no space more to send metadata) #photoai
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save ?ref= (referrer) and ?via= (affiliate) in remarketing_emails.db to then transport them to users.db to track where paid users come from because Stripe makes it hard to track that metadata with the Stripe Pricing Table (Rewardful already uses client-reference-id and there is no space more to send metadata) #interiorai
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add stripe_customer_id to user if missing but email matches on Stripe inside syncStripe.php #nomads
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save stripe account ID to charges #startupjobs
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add stripe customer/subscription ids for existing customers #tweetphoto
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make sure #remoteok add upsell design features still works with Stripe Checkout by using stripe_customer_id
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add ?via= (Rewardful no JS), ?ref= (manual) and HTTP_REFERER tracking to Stripe pricing table client-reference-id so it shows up in Stripe for better attribution of referers/affiliates #photoai
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Handle existing user Stripe customers and don't create new customer id unless necessary #brandtools
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programmatically create stripe customer id in partner account
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save stripe account id with charge #wip
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fix missing referrer tracking for #nomads sign ups with new Stripe Checkout, use $_COOKIE[‘ref’] on after checkout page and save it in db
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make Stripe verification with ID work by saving verificationIntent id and referencing it when receiving verified webhook #remoteworkers
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update Stripe Checkout #rebase
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#sheet2site connect stripe to customer
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