Similar todos
added video mode #captime
Add Quick Access Overlay video #cleanshot
added filtered video handling to the rendering engine #infinitestories 3.0
added pinch gesture to resize video view to #infinitestories 3.0
added pan gesture to move video view to #infinitestories 3.0
add overlay interactions #buildingo
#pintura move image and image overlay to different draw layer
fix overlay width/height #csspro
add video support #tweetphoto
added scale handling to video engine #infinitestories 3.0
background-position via overlay control #csspro
remove overlay-x #csspro
add proper support for longer videos #tweetphoto
added playback controlls to the preview screen #infinitestories 3.0
add video to #interiorai v2
Slider overlay
#macbookalarm add text to the video
instructions overlay screen opacity animation #dashful