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buy postit notes
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buy post-its a la @kitkitson
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get post-its 🤔
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order walkie talkie and post-it notes #life
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buy note and sticky notes
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purchase sticky notes and new notebook
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send first sticker order #wip
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prepare more stamps for packaging #valenciana
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throw out all my postits so I can start the year with a clean slate
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#sheet2site print stickers
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setup postmark #scoredetect
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Prepare a bunch more envelopes with stickers #wip
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order more stickers #rewardsflights
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order more stickers #rewardsflights
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make post-it notes style ideas on #ideasai (idea by @marc)
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Mail out first batch of stickers! #trimdotgg
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prepare sticker envelopes #wip
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write 8 postit notes for this quick bundle sale thing
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making sticky notes. #cyberjobs
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