Start developing customer personas. #trimdotgg
Mail out first batch of stickers! #trimdotgg
Add a little automation to free sticker requests. #trimdotgg
Populate healthy backlog in Trello for design and engineering. #trimdotgg
Add Mailchimp integration into the social link page. #trimdotgg
Finish social media assets for the remainder of the year. #trimdotgg
Update typography in 🌌 Nexus Design System. #trimdotgg
Brainstorming session: free vs paid account features #trimdotgg
Set up Trim social media. #trimdotgg
Create simple link page for Instagram. #trimdotgg
Redesign embedded video container. #trimdotgg
Create a Discord Community for Trim users. #trimdotgg
Draft Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. #trimdotgg
Create DMCA takedown request form. #trimdotgg
Setup Collaborative Inboxes for core team members in Google Workspace. #trimdotgg
Transition from GitHub project boards to Trello! #trimdotgg
Restructure AWS Organization. #trimdotgg