Seth Cottle
Seth Cottle
📐 Product design at CLEAR. 📦 Mover of rectangles. 🖥️ PC gaming enthusiast. 👤 He/Him
Start developing customer personas.
Finish redesigning sign in, sign up, and profile creation screens for Cüra.
Mail out first batch of stickers!
Add a little automation to free sticker requests.
Populate healthy backlog in Trello for design and engineering.
Add Mailchimp integration into the social link page.
Finish social media assets for the remainder of the year.
Update typography in 🌌 Nexus Design System.
Brainstorming session: free vs paid account features
Redesign embedded video container.
Draft Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Setup Collaborative Inboxes for core team members in Google Workspace.
Transition from GitHub project boards to Trello!