Similar todos
less items per page in feed #tba
add up to 100 items #workpanel
pagination for feed #tba
Limit Pie to 10 items. #notboringtools
#sheet2site remove load more button from table template if there is less then 100 items
drop table with FeedItems #rssmailer
limit job posts frontpage to 50 to speed up #remoteok via @daniellockyer
don't show the pagination if the items are less than 10 #readersdiary
limit rows for free users to 1000
limit thumbnails to 20 #tba
Apply pagination to the feed #epihu
#trackfootball #288 Feed pagination
Limit top pages #simpleanalytics
Limit entries to show on leaderboard by 50 #highscoredomains
limit add book feature
limit to 5 live posts #writt
limit first request to 5 apps and add a load more button to query 10 more #screenhunt
Limit the number of columns to 20 #devhub