Similar todos
Limit #readwriteas feed to 100 items
limit streak leaderboard to top 10 #wip
Limit top pages #simpleanalytics
Only show 10 most recent profiles in sidebar #buildinpublic
Limit the number of columns to 20 #devhub
add up to 100 items #workpanel
#sheet2site remove load more button from table template if there is less then 100 items
limit thumbnails to 20 #tba
Sorting on the order list #mt
customer list pagination
update… because there were too many menus so add LIMIT 50 to SQL #qrmenu
#threadhunt put 50 max limit on all time
show how many items you’ve got left #press
page limit for library #workpanel
Reorder items #pb
less items per page in feed #tba
pagination show current the first and last instead of large list #wt
reordering items #countdown