Similar todos
Helped a #screenshotone customer to render more interactive and engaging scrolling screenshots—….
Helped a #screenshotone customer to write a selector to screenshot a specific part of a website.
Helped a #screenshotone user to render scrolling screenshots.
Jumped on a call and helped a customer to integrate the #screenshotone API with a third-party solution to render screenshots.
Improved a few heuristics for the full-page screenshot rendering (#screenshotone) for websites which use viewport units and have glitches.
Helped a #screenshotone user to improve full-page rendering with animations.
Helped to debug a website rendering issue to a #screenshotone customer.
Added an option to choose the full page screenshot algorithm for #screenshotone.
make better explaining screenshots based on feedback #sleekplan
Improve the screenshots on the site #orchetta
Researched how to screenshot specific websites for a customer (#screenshotone).
I need to find a way how to automate these kinds of tasks.
Explained to a potential #screenshotone customer that rendering by selector returns screenshot anyway by default even if the selector is not found.
Helped a #screenshotone potential customer to render HTML as images with Python code.
helped colleague with solving customer issue
create better screenshots for #infinitestories 3.0
finish looking into other screenshot services
🤖 dove a little deeper into a screenshots to code tool and the results are getting much better #research
After a long road trip jumped to debug an issue for a #screenshotone customer (scrolling screenshots) and fixed it.
finished a screen capture tool which takes screenshots to help automate open graph image creation.
Make product screenshots #jovial