Similar todos
Researched how to screenshot specific websites for a customer (#screenshotone).
I need to find a way how to automate these kinds of tasks.
Helped a #screenshotone customer to improve full-page screenshots by suggesting to use a different algorithm.
Helped a #screenshotone customer to hide specific website elements with the "hide_selectors" option.
Helped to debug a website rendering issue to a #screenshotone customer.
Helped a #screenshotone customer to render more interactive and engaging scrolling screenshots—….
Explained to a potential #screenshotone customer that rendering by selector returns screenshot anyway by default even if the selector is not found.
Jumped on a call and helped a customer to integrate the #screenshotone API with a third-party solution to render screenshots.
Checked a website rendering for a #screenshotone customer and ensured it works.
Helped a #screenshotone potential customer to render HTML as images with Python code.
Create special HTML selector to hide content for our mini websites via the screenshot grabber (via @woutervanlent) #simpleanalytics
Fixed scrolling screenshots for a few specific websites (#screenshotone).
Helped client with some website issues. Made a screencast explaining how the CMS works so they can do it themselfs. #pl
Helped client with a small website issue #pl
Worked on a client's website #freelance
helped colleague with solving customer issue
Added new options to the #screenshotone API to stop scrolling screenshots when a given selector is reached.
Improved error handling for screenshots by selectors (#screenshotone)—returning an error when an element is found, but has zero height.
And updated the documentation 👉…
Worked on client website #sbswe
Improved rendering by selector for #screenshotone.
If the DOM has been changed and the selector is not found, I try to search for it again.
It helped to resolve an issue for one of the customers.
get screenshot example to work #serverlesshandbook