Similar todos
Rebrand site to `Compose Examples` (from Composables UI) because people were confusing the two sites and couldn't tell the difference #composeexamples
Removed the premium components from #composeexamples into a new separate domain, because it was a pain to maintain 2 things in one. Say hello to Composables UI (
Change 's dns to digital ocean but namecheap taking forever to update them #viewtocomposable
stop the redirection of .com to .in as we are now using .com #lilhoppers
set up Docker Compose local HTTPS examples… #codewithhugo
Submit to gconsole #composeexamples
fix www. to non www redirect on all sites
See uptick in visitors on since adding the premium components on #composeexamples
work on redirecting domain
Reconfigure DNS for personal website
Fix a bunch of component preview bugs on and now all components are interactive and visible #composeexamples
setup DNS page rules via CloudFlare to redirect .com to .org urls for #djangopackages
fix https www redirect
permanently redirect traffic from #composablescore to #composeunstyled
fix redirects #web
fix redirects #web