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reduced hosting bills by 6$
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reduced one hosting bill.
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see GPU bill drop to record to lowest in 1.5 years due to optimizations #life
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Found out i was not checking correctly if I should write on not in database of devices #capgo ... now I do write only at the right time. This will be better for D1 pricing
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Summarise this weeks usage
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Finished migrating to my self-managed Mongo cluster from Mongo Atlas. Managed to cut the bill by 75% while also improving redundancy and latency.
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reduced monthly hosting costs
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found 80% of #killspam compute costs, wrote out a plan of how to reduce them. 50% are firestore read ops, and 30% are cloud function compute costs. this is going to be hard.
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analysed current usage by customers to help decide on tiered vs usage billing
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Write log about last week
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Found why I was spamming for nothing, my DB of writes #capgo
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manage to drastically reduce clients' bandwith from 40 GB/day to 6 GB/day and divert a 15k$/year webflow enterprise #freelance
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dev -> reduce amount of downloaded data for Mods by 50% 💁‍♂️ coz why not... one liner 🕺 #abcgamers
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realized tonight I can halve some of my server bills by consolidating a few servers and turning off a Redis server #servers
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Saving credit usage logs #melies
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Downgrade AWS resources to save money because very little traffic #rmflags !private
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send final report to client regarding bandwidth reduction #freelance
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reduced aws lambda/rds/sqs costs from $30/day to ~$8 #zonewatcher
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Reduced operating costs for #deepmeditate by $145/mo = $1740/year.
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Costs have been creeping up, so canceled a bunch of subscriptions, reduced server capacities, shut down dead apps, etc
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