Similar todos
Edited the class videos for the first chapter of the "Create a CRM with Laravel + FilamentPHP" Spanish Course + Uploaded to Udemy #trincherawp
Recorded the class videos for the second chapter of the "Create a CRM with Laravel + FilamentPHP" English Course #trincheradev
Added new video to instructors course #smidigare
record four videos for Newsletter course
outline videos for course #free
Recorded and added a new (tried to make it short!)(failed) video intro for the self-driven course.… #pe
record automation course video and edit it
complete masterclass videos 1-3 #gamequitters
finally complete udemy course #mindbody
Recorded the presentation video for a short online course about Zapier Central for a business school
Went through JavaScript course video #education
Recorded video tutorial for #chatbotly and added it to docs
Completed two Udemy JS lessons #education
release v2.0.0 of my course platform
Notes on making a video course or a book
do first 2 chapters from the Content Operator Course #mindbody
edited a video for [***********]
Changed the structure of the cold email "book" into a "video course" format #shipit
Uploading Learnings Video #buildpublic
Completed five Udemy JS lessons #education