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Edited the class videos for the first chapter of the "Create a CRM with Laravel + FilamentPHP" English Course + Uploaded to Udemy #trincheradev
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Edited the class videos for the second chapter of the "Create a CRM with Laravel + FilamentPHP" Spanish Course #trincherawp
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Edited the class videos for the second chapter of the "Create a CRM with Laravel + FilamentPHP" English Course #trincheradev
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Recorded the class videos for the second chapter of the "Create a CRM with Laravel + FilamentPHP" Spanish Course #trincherawp
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Recorded the class videos for the second chapter of the "Create a CRM with Laravel + FilamentPHP" English Course #trincheradev
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#trincherawp Record the "Leads" Chapter of the "Create a CRM with Laravel and FilamentPHP" Spanish Course
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#trincheradev Record the "Leads" Chapter of the "Create a CRM with Laravel and FilamentPHP" English Course
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Added new video to instructors course #smidigare
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finish Laravel from Scratch series videos #life
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finish testing Laravel course laracasts
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watch vids on laracasts for learning laravel
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added more pages to the italian course
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Laracasts course: PHP for Beginners 14/50 #rebuildinpublic
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Laracasts course: PHP for Beginners 10/50 #rebuildinpublic
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create wordpress course in spanish for entrepeneurs and support in telegram #smartypantsbot
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Finish recording video tutorial on Laravel and jwt-auth #personal
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Laracasts course: PHP for Beginners 9/50 #rebuildinpublic
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Laracasts course: PHP for Beginners 12/50 #rebuildinpublic
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Laracasts course: PHP for Beginners 13/50 #rebuildinpublic
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Complete Lesson 14 of Laracasts PHP for Beginners - fast paced, and perfect (not for beginners, but not too advanced either) #learning
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