Similar todos
write blog about HTML/CSS -> Tailwind converter… #cssscan
worked on a CSS to TailwindCSS converter tool. Probably giving up on that #mylife
🔨 worked on a fairly basic Bootstrap to TailwindCSS converter
Published new post:…
add section about converting CSS to Tailwind CSS #cssscan
✏️ wrote a post about mostly failing to convert a project from Bootstrap to Tailwind CSS through tooling…
Grabbed a quick colorpalette from:
Just need to update the tailwind config to use these colors
🎨 made some more changes to convert text and background colors to to the tailwind css ~v1.0.x from the v0.7.x format #conf is now a simple function you can npm install!
Unlock all 1001 tailwind color shades instead of being limited to tailwind's 11:
c("gray", 650) // returns "#414b5a"
It's my first attempt at anything open source, live here…
I'm probably missing very obvious things, let me know if you try it out!
#blog Transfer blog post text layout from old CSS to Tailwind
got TailwindCSS running to test
Add Tailwind CSS #buildinpublic
Work on Tailwind CSS builder #random
implemented tailwindcss into #growthhacklist and started to change css
deploy design tokens generator:#colorsandfonts
You can now generate your design tokens and export them as PostCSS, SASS and JSON on Colors & fonts.
You can try it here:
rebuilt logo generator script to understand how to use tailwind colors and some options
migrate big chunk of #typetest from custom css to tailwindcss
Add tailwindcss #aitoolsfor