Similar todos
*learn about numbers in Ruby #learnRoR
Update Ruby #rorvswild
research airtable ruby gems #downpayment
work on ruby models prepare for execution
Write my first (useful) monkey patch in Ruby #wip
fix #herokualfredworkflow for ruby 2.3.0
start ruby course #learningtocode
Read article on differences between javascript and Ruby
learned how to conduct tests in Rails
ruby on rails refresher #rubyrocks
Simplify pre-processing and post-processing of Replicate API calls by building my own Ruby DSL #danceai
switch to fullstaq-ruby #useattractor
🤘Ruby and Ruby and Ruby on Rails
refactor customer pass validity method to rely on sql instead of ruby object checks #gtspunchpass
complete the module for arrays and iterators #learningRoR
Discuss with @rameerez about syntax sugar for his latest gem