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One of the best feelings is when you code and listen to music simultaneously. I tried this for the first time. And It's very addictive.… #shaz #expatjobs
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🧹 cleaned up my tabs. I have been in a funk for a few weeks. seeing the light again #mylife
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got off my chair, cranked up the standing desk and the music and found some motivation
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listening music + coding. #expatjobs
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get headphones & omg I can FOCUS again for the first time in a month (seriously, my focus has been shit because I didn't have headphones) #life
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help others with coding once again... and feel good once again... 😌
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#life Manage to get into programming flow for first time in >1yr
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read back through my code and reorient myself with what was going on when I stopped 🙃 #courseblocks
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You should listen to this while coding (or while chilling)… #adam
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go live with some music for hacking at the code editor #linefm
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#life stayed up way too late because I am currenty addicted to coding 🙈
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stare at code some more because too many interruptions for focused work #stuff
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wrote a LOT of words and got in a good creative flow listening to this track on #currentclients
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Scoured 50 lines of code in VS for an hour to figure out why the hell the player keeps jumping into the stratosphere when you're not supposed to jump while mid-air. SO SATISFYING finding and fixing the code, despite how utterly frustrating it was. The dopamine release was ✨exquisite✨ and I wish I started coding muuuuuuch sooner. (It was line 42 -- I had two "enters" and no "exit" & that "enter" wasn't even in 2D mode 😭 -- and I laughed maniacally because I'm a huge fan of "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.") #gamedev
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🎧 giving… a listen while coding #mylife
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Listening LOFI music.(…) And coding #qhp. #shaz
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started coding #30days
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late night workout after a frustrating afternoon and evening of coding #mindbody
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no screentime today just clear your mind
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solved a bad formatting configuration on VSCode that was causing me headaches for days. I should have done it sooner. #thecompaniesapi
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