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feeling better and catching up on errands. #mylife
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tired this morning, had poor sleep + too short of a night, will proceed with easy #crisp maintenance tasks all morning
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Feeling much more energized today #life
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I'm struggling to get any work done today. Still, not fully over stupid covid but feeling much better. 🙄
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finished all the boring tasks i've been avoiding all week. feels good
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Feeling sick today, having some rest #life
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😷 full day but still feeling a tad under the weather. Still finished a few conference template changes #conf
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after 1.5 months of no/low energy and dark thoughts, I feel like side-building again in the morning when I wake up 🤗 #life
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tiring day, not enough sleep and do work #fajarsiddiq
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rest day - feeling a bit sick
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Started feeling better after a crazy week. Still not enough to work on anything, but soon! #life
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Day off because feeling very tired #life
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slept super long (10 hours) but body needed it so I gave it to home, did my usual walk of 1.8km, did priming (my meditation), brain-dumped my most recent thoughts and can start the day with a fairly clear mind. #health
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Got some things done today :) #zerodaysoff
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be sick and got some rest today #life
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another day mostly sick but I'm starting to feel better tonight (after resuming meds)
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was feeling more and more cloudy as days passed handling #crisp issues (scale is hard for someone creative, makes good money but hard on happiness), taking some slowdown time today working on #prose to re-energize
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do tiny bit of work again
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some work today. Pretty productive
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wake up feeling refreshed ☀️ #existence
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