Similar todos
Improve similar companies lookup #sparkbase
Write code for adding icons and add functionality to spotlight #checkyourlist
Add checklists to spotlight index #checkyourlist
Add groups to spotlight index and write code to open group on launch #checkyourlist
🚀 updates #jobs to add list by company support
Get items indexed in spotlight, and have them open checklist #checkyourlist
linkedin indexer for new companies #sparkbase
Make first version of + group/checklist icons for spotlight search #checkyourlist
#web3jobs search by company
Improve the query to get exactly companies #vietnamdevs
Switch to using NSCoreDataSpotlightDelegate instead of coreSpotlight API #checkyourlist
Set .relatedUniqueIdentifier on CoreSpotlight additions to prevent duplication with .userActivity() for search results #checkyourlist
Add highlights search functionality #markr
Working on support search and select company when user add experience #vietnamdevs