Similar todos
improve fuzzy search for stories #scrumpy
added fuzzysearch to find names blazing fast #names
improve fuzzy search on #linefm to match things like "or:la"
quick fuzzy search #sparkbase
improve search results for #cryptojobslist
Improve how search results are shown #clanlatamdb
Made improvements to the search system #heycafe
improved search algo on #cryptojobslist
Implement search feature #entryleveljobs
improve search box #honesttribe
Improve search box #scouvy
Improve search dropdown #remoteindex
Improve search dropdown #remoteindex
add search feature
Implement more advanced fuzzy search that mirrors sublime text funcionality very closesl (but not entriely; doesn't do any 'look back' the ways ST does, but that's okay) #blip
#notes Implement fuzzy searching for notes based on title, content and tags
Add search functionality to #langbites