Similar todos
Cancelled more subscriptions I wasn't using
cancelled several unused subscription services.
Cancel an annual subscription of an app that had really increased price and I don't use any of the premium features so can keep it free thankfully. Thank you renewal emails for the reminder! Updated my database of subs (I keep in free ones there just to stay on top of them too) - #admin
💸 shaved about $200 off my monthly subscription spend by canceling services I don't really use but feel productive paying for. No more. 🔥 #mylife
cancel a bunch of SaaSes I wasn’t using
Cancelled my Akiflow subscription because I didn't use the service that much
cancelled one more subscription - several more to go
made a list of lifetime subscriptions that i can use, and a list of subscriptions to cancel
Can cancel subscriptions #brandtools
manually cancel canceled subscriptions #checkoutpage
Paid subscriber who never used my SaaS cancelled after 4 months #lifelog
cancelled one subscription ... 5 more to go.
💸 Refunded customer past 3 months of charges cos ADHD and didn't cancel when she needed to #lifelog
cancelled three recurring services. what else can I cancel...?
cancel free subscriptions from a year ago when I did promotions to conferences and meetups and the offer is now over #composeexamples
cut about $60/month of subscriptions I'm not using
cancel subscriptions #alpinehandbook
cancel subscriptions #business