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Read 1/3 of the Typescript book
Read 1 chapter of the Typescript book
CS50: more on linked lists #powerup
CS50: start on Week 5 Data Structures - Section #powerup
finish first-class and pure function sections of pro JS chapter #codewithhugo
CS50: finally learn what Linked Lists are #powerup (after hearing ppl complain about them enough, mostly in relation to job / coding interviews)
CS50: finish Week 4 (Memory) Shorts: Hexadecimal, Pointers, Defining Custom Types #powerup
read „4 Essential ES2015 Features For Vue.js Development”… #devlearning
Read article on differences between javascript and Ruby
Started OOPexercises #freecodecamp (Didn't finish Basic Algorithm Structures :()
Read & work through React Intro #devjourney
rethink how some data structures are built #amit