Every character in a video game does certain things to "power up". IRL we power up by shipping stuff, reading, and continuous learning.
CS50: start on Week 5 Data Structures - Section #powerup
submit my first pull request ever? #powerup
CS50: start on wk 5 section #powerup
CS50: wk 5 data structures - tries #powerup
CS50: data structures - learn about binary search trees, hash tables #powerup
learn about new lead sequence #powerup
CS50: more on linked lists #powerup
CS50: finally learn what Linked Lists are #powerup (after hearing ppl complain about them enough, mostly in relation to job / coding interviews)
finish Prisma crash course #powerup
Prisma crash course #powerup
CS50: Wk5 Data Structures. Learn about queues, stacks, and linked lists #powerup
CS50: start on Wk5 lecture Data Structures #powerup
CS50: Wk 4 complete License practice problem #powerup
CS50: Wk 4 finish Bottom Up practice problem #powerup
CS50: submit problem set 4.3 Recover #powerup
CS50: submit problem set 4.2.2 Filter #powerup