make new CTA #devjourney #freelance
create toggle list and update my roles and tasks #devjourney #jk
change link and 3d bird color #devjourney
Create Nav, Hero, Footer Section, deploy and send client WIP link #devjourney
Setup deployment #devjourney #freelance
create components #devjourney #freelance
setup new client project #devjourney
get access to #devjourney
Add styling to project #chingu #devjourney
have call with team #chingu #devjourney
write new to dos to kanban #devjourney
have call with team #chingu #devjourney
have team call #chingu #devjourney
work on group project #chingu #devjourney
have team call #chingu #devjourney
setup group project #chingu #devjourney
write team update #chingu #devjourney
Prepare team meeting and sprint planning #chingu #devjourney
create primary and secondary buttons in storybook #reactjobsimulator #devjourney
create button component in storybook #reactjobsimulator #devjourney