Similar todos
use guide to make postgres search really fast
optimize postgres query add index, reduce time of run from 10 sec to less than 1 #capgo
postgres full text search && indexing #buildingo
Reach 50.000.000 podcast episodes in Postgres + Elastic #podvine
Upgrade database to support 10k+ rows #mugshotbot
scoped out some research for switching over #djangopackages search to use Postgres's FullText search.
use postgres_fdw to migrate, transform and index and millions of records from one db to another for #nichewit
Add indices to postgres #sparkbase
wrote a pretty decent new search for #lfk using aka Postgres's Full Text Search
improve postgres settings #turreto
Make SQL queries less precise so Postgres can cache results #buildinpublic
#chartpoet read postgres sql schema
Source search using simple pg LIKE for now #flatreader
researching materialized view in postgres for #djangopackages to help clean things up
Replace activerecord callback with postgres triggers and functions when analyzing millions of #domains
fixed postgres deadlock
Reach 65,000,000 database rows 🔥 #sparkbase
add searchable selects to #keylogs