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download images from telegram #support
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Try adding 2 images at once in Telegram bot #wip
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Fix duplicate video attachment when adding via Telegram #wip h/t @pretzelhands
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Test how can I add an image through Telegram.
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add support for logging stuff via telegram chatbot
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report to telegram dev team #fajarsiddiq
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load profile pictures from telegram #pomochat
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make #photoai Telegram bot so you can receive your photos straight to Telegram without waiting and also generate them from Telegram
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Make Telegram bot support HTML #jobboardsearch
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Explore Telegram bot API.
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Allow bigger attachments to be used with todos via Telegram on #wip (10 MB max size for photos, 50 MB for other files)
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add functionality to take photos from Telegram bot without the website #photoai
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take photo caption in Telegram JSON as message if photo attached #therapistai
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Added Telegram Bot Integration #vibes
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add telegram bot to #photoroute
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send #photoai photos to Telegram only when done with the whole batch
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Read about telegram bot API #perspectiva
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jb: make telegram commands visible
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Make prototype Telegram image search #life
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Fix bug where video attachments wouldn't always show up depending on their content type. I think Telegram changed how they handle this #wip
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