Similar todos
finally get macos app auto-updates to work for #prose macos app, publishing new releases all automated from github actions with code signing in the cloud
set up github actions for CI #startupjobs
setup fastlane deliver to automate appstore releases
set up github actions for continuous integration #betalist
set up automatic deploys to heroku from github actions #wip
set up GitHub actions #wip
get fastlane tools to archive, build app, build dmg, build pretty dmg using dmgcanvas and sign it all
Enable Github Actions #superforum
create github app #teamci
#heavymachinery enable github actions for tests and deploy
#heavymachinery enable github actions for tests and deploy
get fastlane tools running for mac builds
auto-build with github actions if post for that day #codewithhugo
Struggle with macOS code signing
Generate new provisioning profile from Apple in order to properly sign macOS app #menubar
Release blog for CI/CD mobile app capacitor IOS:… #capgo