Similar todos
pre-generate bundle coupon codes for job posts when Stripe Checkout redirect happens and add stripe_checkout_session_id to each coupon code, then after payment when we get the webhook we can match it and set all those as paid (and send the email to the company with invoice) #remoteok
work on invite system #shipr
submit a PR for user invites #screenhole
#tapslock add more invite codes to app
pre-fill the invite code on register page #screenhole
Send email to inviter when new user signs up via invite #wip
create platform account for stripe connect #checkoutpage
Send out invite codes to the users who subscribed to the form on the landing page #budgetcool
add Stripe webhook listener that syncs new/updated coupon code info back into #mj
Stripe payment -> new user, tweak receipt template #routeshuffle
added webhook listener for updated Stripe coupon codes #mj
add student pricing Invite system #newco
implement the invite sign up #influenswer
Add email address + user id to existing Stripe Customers #startupjobs
Create a user whe
n paying through Stripe #simpleanalytics