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Fixed a bug where the resume status-checker wasn't returning the right value b/c the auth middleware that loads the user wasn't selecting all user fields...fixed misc other issues with the PDF uploader / Delete buttons...successfully sent myself an email with my resume attached (Cursor sped that WAY up) it working where the original resume filename will be saved to the db and then used as the attachment it working where I can customize the email title and body in the frontend UI...fully replicated the last email that got me a full-time job offer, including images...have my email title and body saved to the db and populate the fields when I load the frontend view...
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fix pdf bug #serverlesshandbook
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Link to uploaded PDF #bo
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Avoid error when resume and cover PDF were not attached yet to job application #jobician
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Successfully changed the Gmail quickstart.go example to send an email instead of just print the user's labels...emailed WorkTime support my two local WorkTime directories so they can look into why I'm not seeing any data in the web UI...order more post-its and bic pens...added a button that, when pressed, sends an email with Gmail...definitely noticing myself becoming way more productive now that the sun has set and it's gotten significantly cooler outside...after literally HOURS of fighting with Go (and Vue to a lesser extent) with Cursor's sometimes-unhelpful suggestions, I FINALLY got PDF uploading up is to send the email with that resume...
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Fix receipt PDFs #wip h/t @mikker
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Add links to edit resume and cover letter on job application document preview #jobician
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Small experiment: A paperlike and printable resume via web tech
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add docx support for resume analyzing #japandev
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#resume sending.
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finalized resume updates
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Updated my Resume for a new job #random
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filed a ticket on borb to hopefully help fix a bug that impacts PDFS > 200 pages
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updated page with info about new resume checks added #rw
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add a links to resume #ceev
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Make resume editable before printing #ceev
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Fix emails with http link... h/t @gvrizzo
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fixed the bug there the PDF export only generates one page #timematorios
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updated page #rw
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Worked on my resume a bit more, got a response from someone that my resume was "very impressive"
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