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Successfully changed the Gmail quickstart.go example to send an email instead of just print the user's labels...emailed WorkTime support my two local WorkTime directories so they can look into why I'm not seeing any data in the web UI...order more post-its and bic pens...added a button that, when pressed, sends an email with Gmail...definitely noticing myself becoming way more productive now that the sun has set and it's gotten significantly cooler outside...after literally HOURS of fighting with Go (and Vue to a lesser extent) with Cursor's sometimes-unhelpful suggestions, I FINALLY got PDF uploading up is to send the email with that resume...
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finalized resume updates
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resume admin improvements #fullstackjob
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Discovered that the PDF resume I sent yesterday doesn't have the links working b/c I selected "Print-->PDF" instead of "Download as PDF" in Microsoft Word Online. Fixed the issue and replied with the fixed PDF.
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update content to promote resume builder a bit better… #fullstackjob
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Improved CV upload: fixed backend errors and integrated job matching functionality to the cv enhancer project #learnwebdev
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made small changes to resume #ekh
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Update resume: revised job descriptions & bullet points #dev #life
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Updated resume
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info to admin on new resume added #fullstack
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improved marking required fields resume builder #fullstackjob
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Worked on my resume a bit more, got a response from someone that my resume was "very impressive"
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#resume sending.
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Edit and update resume. #dev
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Update resume: finish job description revisions #dev #life
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Resume Form: Work Section done UI/API #fullstackjob
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Fixed a years old bug reported by Roberto Fernandez (location filter) on… #fullstackjob
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#applicantai fix new applicant emails because they were broken
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Work on resume application
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Worked on my resume a bit, applied to some Upwork jobs, applied to some LinkedIn jobs
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