Similar todos
Shut down #tunnelvision because it's broken since Trello changed their API, but it had a good run
Turn it off and on again, because that fixes literally everything (worked this time anyway). #solarpi
Work out why it's still randomly turning off and not back on #solarpi
F*ck unmaintained tools - instead of shutting down (or at least letting their customers know), here are they wasting our time.
shut down #onesimpletodo server
#life Fix long-standing issue I had with Jigsaw where it would recompile in an endless loop because of paths overlapping and my fans would go crazy and my battery would die in 45min
🚫 shut it down #jaba
permanently fix reason for #crisp major global downtime today
Cancel and shut down my Rust server because I don't want to keep paying $125/y for a server that is losing money #dynamicrust !private
#crowdcontrol 1.0 is now shutdown yay!
🤖 letting Sweep do about $10 worth of updates to see if it's worth while running self-hosted. It has a ton of potential but has been more broken than working today.
Work out why this thing isn't booting #solarpi
#life Fix annoying blue screen of death issue on hacked Switch that I caused back in the day
make bot live again after electricity downtime
update old computer so it actually works #lifeee
- shutdown server at customer's ✅ #enpvqp