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fixed a bug in one of my job scrapers
Work on implementing new job boards jobs fetcher #jobboardsearch
create a unified scraped / paid jobs model
make new scraper and test it #plumberjobs
build a scraping script #findaicareers
add more scrapers #pagesonpages
worked on two new #jobs scrapers using RSS
Update all scrapers to account for scenario when site doesn't have jobs at all #plumberjobs
Write the first scraping script to collect jobs #jungless
pulled in a new csv scraper data for #daysuntillatenight
add a new scraper for #devopsprojectshq
Started exploring extracting jobs directly from scrape-friendly ATS #jobsinenglish
deploy scrape cron job
cleanup code for only scraping current year jobs #plumberjobs
Deploy Sportsjobs Online job board feed fetcher #jobboardsearch
wrote a job scraper because why not?
added forza footbal jobs to #sportstechjobs