Similar todos
buy a pair of blue filter computer glasses to reduce strain #life
realize I stared at my screen every day and night this week with a bunch of meetings and so decide to take a rest day because my eyes hurt and I feel dead, besides the more screen time you have = the worse your life is #matosdfm
#life MacGyver glasses even more so I can work for the next 4 days without having massive eye strain all day
eyes got worst blurry today due to my diabetes. Struggling to do work and side projects. Hope it gets better #fajarsiddiq
Working on #mistral today
mostly day job work today #revsys
Working on #ktool today 😳
Working from #reinvent office today
Working from outside today
buy eye drops #fajarsiddiq
Eyes hurt / felt tired so I lied down with my eyes closed for ~30mins, feel better now.
👓 get eyes checked and make new reading glasses #life
Picked hyperfocus for today
do focus work at least 3x today #yamlife
some work today
some work today
Thinking of doing corrective eye laser surgery to get rid of my freaking glasses
Working from a new place today #life