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🤖 Used ChatGPT to help me finish off a GitHub Issues syncing cli tool because I'm tired of bulk creating issues in their web UI.
✏️ drafted a blog post about dev tools I'm using in 2020 #mylife
explored and tested a few tools #tw
worked on an updated UI #fashion (my first ever todo)
breakout new cli tool into more manageable component files. #sveltelaunch
#blogging Write a blog post about colorful terminal output (…) (Totally @swizec's fault.)
Research SSH libs to know how to implement a new dev-tool project
Write about tiny tools I love #niksoftware
finished all unit tests CLI #apimocka
🧐 reading up on… to help organize/standardize some of my projects #mylife
Just spent some time thinking about the UI. #rhymecraft
🔨 reworked tmux and most of my #dotfiles
Minimap inspired by VS code and a tweet
Starting development on new tools #stackabuse
Made new UI icons #coaster