Similar todos
Just spent some time thinking about the app. #rhymecraft
Spent some time noodling on updated #jsonify UI -- I quite like this flow, though it's still a WIP. As ever, the issue is making it understandable for 'simple' uses, while still letting the power users do their thing.
Spent time thinking about how the UI/UX should work when applying to jobs
worked on some UI improvements
worked on an updated UI #fashion (my first ever todo)
made about a dozen UI improvements #tweetsweeper
Finish UI design #nekolo
Finish UI design #pb
Loads of ui improvements #magicheader
✨ Did some UI refreshments on #penelopeai
Spent time lying down with my eyes closed trying to visualize the best way to structure the UI at a high level because Trello style side-scrolling does not seem like it's going to work well. #rhymecraft
Basic UI Done #cloudmusicplayer
sketched out UI #wp
#lizt consult UI design
A bunch of UI changed based on users feedback #jobboardsearch