Similar todos
tested out flask-admin - works, but decided not to spend any more time configuring auth #changeloghost
Got a Flask/Vue app running on PythonAnywhere for a new client b/c trying to get it working on Digital Ocean had me dealing with a mod_wsgi error that could take who-knows-how-long to fix
playing around with apache airflow to see if it's a good fit for my deploy django project #mylife
Spent a few hours trying (and failing) to get Apache to use the virtualenv I created. #rhymecraft
Made progress on my Flask/Vuetify template that I want to try to sell.
🥞 released/ported/dusted off django-pancake which helps flatten templates which made building and updating my htmx django Chrome much, much easier than without it.…
got my personal website (, just an index.html) working on a new $4/mo DO droplet that I intend to move everything over to while switching backends from Python to Go, nginx is way easier than Apache so far. Switched my personal site to use GitHub version control.
spend a bunch of time trying to understand how some boneheaded stuff works in Flask
⬆️ 🚜 Upgraded and refactored my django-startproject template to keep up with recent Django 5, ruff, and pre-commit changes
install Flask to virtual environment 😊
🐍 More iterating on a FastAPI web service which builds Django Docker configs. I like it so far. #djangobuild
dusted off my build django project and updated templates and the backend to be easier to maintain
staged a website to test django deploy that I can use over and over
More super-boring chores: Switched the imports so that `flask routes` would work, to help me figure out why a particular route was 404ing (now fixed). #rhymecraft
Deploy Django app to #ajudmeister
Got a 'Hello World' Django/Vue app running on Heroku and being served from #cleanexam
worked on some docs and templates for my Django code generation tool too
🚜 Ported most of #lfk over to Django and launched it on
configure flask-restful to work with app #changeloghost