

Host your product ChangeLogs in seconds
respond to one user's email about #changeloghost
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remove matamo tracking code from templates #changeloghost
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fix tests for trailing slashes #changeloghost
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add trailing slash to all URL routes #changeloghost
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Display a chip that it is future post for site admin #changeloghost
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hide entries with future publish date posts for public #changeloghost
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Fix gap in Published Date placeholder text #changeloghost
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turn off test SSL domain on heroku to save money #changeloghost
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reach out to 1 potential product founder regarding #changeloghost
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configure flask-restful to work with app #changeloghost
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create an flask blueprint for api. #changeloghost
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Finish mastermind call. Discuss about next steps for #changeloghost
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add a few more keywords to disallowed subdomains #changeloghost
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tested out flask-admin - works, but decided not to spend any more time configuring auth #changeloghost
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Test InstaClick on #changeloghost
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#changeloghost add forgot password in signin screen
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reach out to current trial users to setup call #changeloghost
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collect list of 20 prospects from PH,, etc. #changeloghost
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#changeloghost fix alignment/responsiveness of signup/signin form
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show tag that an entry is draft #changeloghost
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